Friday, September 2, 2011

sorry I'm late

Hello sorry I didn't post yesterday but the kids had to get physicals for preschool, which turned into shots and BLOOD WORK!!! We then had to make a 5 hour journey to the good old town of Bellflower Missouri. I cheated a bit on the trip but I eat out of boredom and sitting in the car is very boring. So when we stopped I grabbed a bag of pistachio's and even grabbed the kids some freeze dried fruit. But no Nick had to have a Slim Jim (he knows thats a weakness for me). But I just took a small bite. When we arrived at his grandmas house I ate a bowl of cereal (organic flax pumpkin crunch or whatnot) it was really good. I packed some veggies such as spinach and salad, along with some strawberries raspberries and blackberries. Birthday party tomorrow though and I am just hoping that I can not fail tomorrow. After the birthday party we are headed off to the kick off bonfire for St. Louis' Next Biggest Loser. Please Pray for me that I can withstand the temptation of chocolate covered pretzels and other sinful snacks. And thank you for reading my story.
Yesterdays lunch Hummus Veggie Pita good except I couldnt chew the carrots.

Breakfast Burrito this morning Yum

The wrapped up buritto (dont you love the plate)

Much love to you all.

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