Sunday, June 26, 2011

Have you traveled The Road to Damascus

I have been for awhile now wondering where my life went and why for so long I was just waiting for a miracle to come, just hoping that by faith I would be saved. But what I learned today I realized I was just waiting on the road that so many follow. The Road to Damascus the talk given by President Uchtdorf during April's General Conference. Why does it take us losing out on so much to realize the things that were there all along? I myself don't know the answer to this question because I myself had a long wait on this road myself. The thing is that sometimes we have to trust in Heavenly Father that he knows what he is doing. I have come to realize that we all struggle we might not struggle with the same things, but the one thing that helps me is the strength of those around me that survived these same struggles when I thought I was the only one.

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